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vibrant \ d-na-mik \ 1a marked by usually constant and productive activity or change a vibrant city 2 or less frequently dynamical \ d-na-mi-kl \ a of or associating with physical force or energy 3 of random-access memory needing regular beverage of charge in order to retain information a force or aspect that controls or influences a procedure of growth, change, interaction, or activity a dynamic force or factor a social/cultural/interpersonal dynamic explains a world order that seems to be developing from ideology as the primary vibrant Woody West Denial has constantly been the most terrible social and political dynamic of the AIDS epidemic June E.

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If an individual, location, or thing is energetic and active, then it's dynamic. When Full Article are vibrant, there's a lot going on. Even the most interesting rural town will not be as dynamic as a big city: there are simply more things happening in a city. Somebody with a dynamic personality is probably amusing, loud, and excitable; a quiet, mousy person isn't vibrant. You can likewise talk about the dynamic aspect of music, which has to do with how the music utilizes dynamics, which suggests "modifications in volume." When things are dynamic, changes and energy are in the air.

From, from (dunamiks, "powerful"), from (dnamis, "power"), from (dnamai, "I am able"). (secret):/ dan. mk/ ( more vibrant, many dynamic) Altering; active; in movement. Effective; energetic. Able to change and adapt. () Having to do with the volume of sound. () Occurring at runtime instead of being predetermined at put together time. Relating to dynamics, the branch of mechanics worried about the impacts of forces on the motion of objects. () Of a verb: not stative, but fientive; suggesting continued or progressive action on the part of the subject. (plural) A particular or manner of an interaction; a habits.

() A moving force. () The varying loudness or volume of a song or the markings that suggest the loudness. () A sign in a musical score that shows the preferred level of volume. () A verb that shows continued or progressive action on the part of the subject. (a particular or way of an interaction; a behavior):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

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